Summer Series

Summer Series


Displaying 81 - 100 of 114

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
11/20/17 Tactical Decisions & Training Scott Grant N/A Special Series Tactical_Decisions_Training.mp3
11/12/17 Barnabas Touch Dan Chaney Together In Christ Gospel Meeting dan111217pm.mp3
11/12/17 Ephesians Overview Dan Chaney Together In Christ Gospel Meeting dan111217am.mp3
11/12/17 Roles In Church Dan Chaney Together In Christ Gospel Meeting dan111217class.mp3
11/11/17 What Every Joint Supplies Dan Chaney Together In Christ Gospel Meeting dan111117.mp3
11/10/17 Relationships: Key to Understanding God Dan Chaney Together In Christ Gospel Meeting dan111017.mp3
04/28/17 Questions/Answers Friday Night Saif Alsafeer Islam & Christianity Gospel Meeting QA042817.mp3
04/28/17 Common Muslim Views About Christianity and How to Respond Respectfully Saif Alsafeer Islam & Christianity Gospel Meeting saif042817.mp3
04/27/17 Questions/Answers Thursday Night Saif Alsafeer Islam & Christianity Gospel Meeting QA042717pm.mp3
04/27/17 Some Important Principles of Islam and How to Answer Them Saif Alsafeer Islam & Christianity Gospel Meeting saif042717pm.mp3
04/26/17 Questions/Answers Wednesday Night Saif Alsafeer Islam & Christianity Gospel Meeting QA042617pm.mp3
04/26/17 A Perspective on Radical Islam Saif Alsafeer Islam & Christianity Gospel Meeting saif042617pm.mp3
04/25/17 Questions/Answers Tuesday Night Saif Alsafeer Islam & Christianity Gospel Meeting QA042517pm.mp3
04/25/17 Evangelizing Muslims Saif Alsafeer Islam & Christianity Gospel Meeting saif042517pm.mp3
04/24/17 Questions/Answers Monday Night Saif Alsafeer Islam & Christianity Gospel Meeting QA042417pm.mp3
04/24/17 Basic Principles of Islam Saif Alsafeer Islam & Christianity Gospel Meeting 170424_Christ_vs_Islam.pdf saif042417pm.mp3
04/23/17 Philip Found Nathanael Saif Alsafeer Islam & Christianity Gospel Meeting 170423Saif1bc.mp3
04/23/17 A Palestinian Comes To Christ Saif Alsafeer Islam & Christianity Gospel Meeting Saif042317pm.mp3
04/23/17 According To The Need Saif Alsafeer Islam & Christianity Gospel Meeting Saif042317AM.mp3
09/16/16 Three Phone Calls Kris Emerson N/A Gospel Meeting 3_Phone_Calls_-_Brooksville_2016.pdf kris091616.mp3

Displaying 81 - 100 of 114

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