What To Know About Us

What To Know About Us


Greetings. We want you to know how happy we are that you took the time to visit us. Our desire is that you will find us to be a loving and caring family of God's children, who have Christ in our hearts, and displayed in our lives.

We hope you find in visiting with us an uplifting experience of worship and Bible study, our members to be friendly, and everything that is said and done to be only what would be pleasing and acceptable to our Heavenly Father.

Our desire and goal is to present the word of God in the manner that it is revealed to us and that we hold true to its teaching.

The members here at BROOKSVILLE look forward to the opportunity to meet you. Please remain a few minutes after services that we might introduce ourselves. We desire to make your visit a warm and pleasant time.

We do not pretend to have all the answers, but we do believe with all our hearts that all things pertaining to life and godliness has been revealed to us in the word of God (2 Peter 1:3). We also believe that we must search the scriptures daily to see if these things are so as the people of Berea did in the first century (Acts 17:11). Our only wish is to be pleasing in the sight of God. We are sure you have the same desire.


Many people hesitate to visit a church unless they know what it will be like when they go. Perhaps we can help you know what to expect when you visit.


Don't expect to be embarrassed. You will visit us as a welcome and respected guest. You will be greeted with kindness and courtesy. No person will approach you in such a manner as to embarrass you. There will be nothing to make you wish you hadn't come, or make you feel out of place.

Don't expect to be entertained. We offer no bands or talent shows. No refreshments will be served. Our purpose is to worship God in the way He has directed. Perhaps you will hear scriptures read or truths preached that you are familiar with. We encourage you to open your Bible and take notes - asking any questions that may arise from the studies.

Don't expect to be asked for money. The church depends on the local members only for financial support.


Expect the worship to be simple and devout. Since our purpose is to be governed in all acts of worship by the Bible alone, our worship consists of only those elements which were part of the worship of the early church. We sing spiritual songs, pray often, partake of the Lord's Supper each Sunday, teach God's Word, and give as we have been prospered. We seek to maintain the attitude Christ enjoined when He said, "God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth," (John 4:24).

Expect congregational singing. Our singing, to many visitors the most inspirational part of the worship, deserves a special word. Since the New Testament instructs Christians to sing in worship, (Ephesians 5:19 & Colossians 3:16), we encourage everyone to sing. You will probably be familiar with most of the hymns and are invited to join with us in the singing. Our visitors are often astonished at how beautiful and spiritually stirring it is when, unaided by mechanical instruments, all worshippers sing to praise God.

Expect to find Christians only. We wear no distinctive name that would divide Bible believers. We submit to no religious authority other than the inspired scriptures. Thus, by following only the teachings of Christ and His Apostles, we are simply Christians (Acts 11:26), just as His disciples were in the first century.

Expect to find a friendly spirit and atmosphere. We believe that friendliness is a natural attribute of God's people. Our visitors, who always receive a warm welcome, appreciate the courtesy and cordiality of these Christians.


Maybe you have wondered if anybody cares anymore. This old world can be cold at times. Even family, friends become preoccupied, and it may seem there is little concern about us. Please know that as Christians, We Do Care About You!

We care about God's word and you. Many religious people place so little emphasis on God's word. We believe that it is practical and reliable. That is why it is the basis for all our teaching. We claim no creed but the Bible. Come check our Bible teaching. We care enough about you to help you grow in your knowledge of God and His word.

We care about you being a Christian. You no doubt have wondered about the many names worn by religious people. We wear the name given by God at Antioch (Acts 11:26). Wouldn't it be grand if all were content to be just Christians? We are determined to be "Christians only" without prefix or suffix, and we would want the same for you.

We care about your soul. We are vitally concerned about souls - - yours and ours. Jesus asked the question, "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" (Matthew 16:26) We would encourage you to become a fellow seeker with us of the eternal home of the soul.

If you are really looking for a church that cares about you, we pray that you will return and consider our plea to be just Christians. Be prepared to search the word of God with us for answers. We truly believe that you will find what you are looking for.


On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come. (1 Corinthians 16:2)

How do we best spend the Lord's money? This question must be faced by every church. Paul reminds us that the church is the "pillar and ground of the truth." (1 Timothy 3:15) We know too, that we have an obligation to make disciples for the Lord in all nations. By God's grace, we have been able to send support of men engaging in the preaching of God's word in many areas of the world. As we look back over the labors here at Brooksville, we are joyful to have been able to support gospel preachers and others in the work of teaching the Gospel to a lost and dying world.

We are very concerned about what we do as a congregation of God's people and the responsibility to be accountable for the finances. We invite you to examine the work here. We would like to answer any questions you may have. The financial report is posted on the bulletin board for examination and questions. We stand ready to answer any questions you may have.